
Directors / Managers
Sven Bulterijs
Lead Moderator 
Eric Schulke
Teams Coordinator
Sebastian Caliban Sethe
Lead Engineer, Lead Editor
Jeremy Shepard
Shannon Vyff
Membership Secretary
Bruce Klein
  Justin Loew
Kevin Perrott
Justin Rebo
John Schloendorn
Kenneth X. Sills
Ben Best
Advisor: Cryonics 
Susan Fonseca-Klein
Advisor: Law
Harvey Newstrom
Advisor: Security
Michael Rae
Advisor: Supplements
Brian Wowk,
Advisor: Cryonics
Aubrey de Grey
Advisor: Bioscience
Michael Anissimov
Advisor: AI & Singularity
Featured Volunteers
Shawn Bald
Moderator: Health
Victor Bjoerk
Moderator: Editors
Joseph Henry
Moderator: AI & Singularity
Timothy Hughes
Moderator: Longecity
Richard Kaufman
Moderator: Resveratrol
Matthew Lake
Moderator: Longecity
Matthias Arwe
Moderator: Nanotechnology
Ilia Stambler
Moderator: Regions
Angelique Velthuysen
Moderator: Art Team
Lee Robinson Petzer

Bart; Moderator: LongeCity

Chrono; Editor; Moderator: Nootropics

Edouart; Engineer; Editor

George; Moderator: Supplements

Kiran; Engineer, Editor

LS; Moderator: Dental Health

LongeCity is a membership based organisation. We are guided by our Constitution (Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws) which is drafted in  line with relevant stipulations of the Code of Alabama and US law.

We are governed by a Board of Directors, that is elected by the Membership. All decision making power rests with the Board in the last instance. In the past, Directors terms were time-limited, but now elections are held when the need arises. Members with a track record who are considering to run for Director should read this post.

Many former Directors still remain as 'Guardians' offering advice and the benefit of their experience. The Guardians take no active role in day-to-day affairs, but they can step in at certain specified points, when they feel that things are going awry or that the Board risk loosing sight of our mission.

The most important executive functions rest with our 'Lead Officers'. At this time, Directors also assume Lead Officer positions, because the Constitution mandates that those roles need to be filled by someone. However, this can be anyone with a proven track record (because those roles carry great responsibility) and there is an open invitation for volunteers to step forward and apply!  

Volunteers are the lifeblood and foundation of everything LongeCity does. Volunteers could be short term, helping out on a specific task or project, or long term, assisting with a specific role.

Some of these roles include:

  • Moderators who look after forum interactions,

  • Engineers who look after the software
  • Editors who look after content

There are many other opportunities to become involved. If you are interested, contact the Teams Coordinator or send an email to support@imminst.org to find out more.

Incentives for volunteering?

The good feeling of making a valued contribution to our shared cause. Regular volunteers get integrated into leadership decision making processes. All volunteers also get 'Thank You' points that they can collect and redeem for small prizes (gift vouchers or free membership).  

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