Dedicated Research and Development Fundraiser

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Contribute your hard earned dollars here, and they translate directly in to crucial research and development advancement.

(We are matching a minimum of the first $X in donations contributed to this fund).

Dr. Zheng Cui of Wake Forest University School of Medicine has been given a green light to begin providing transfusions of immune system cells--called granulocytes-- to cancer patients.

All of our collective effort is what is propelling Imminst forward. You can rest assured that your passionate and dedicated Board of Directors and Panel of Advisors make sure that every research and development project is sound and in line with the mission of unlimited lifespans.

Board of Directors - Panel of Advisors

The research projects we support are all key aspects in the coalescence of the puzzle pieces that are coming together to defeat aging. See a listing of more of our research work and affiliations at the linked research page. Inquire about ongoing research, planning, and development.

We have lobbied for the cutting edge research of Zheng Cui.

The Imminst Sponsored, Longevity Meme team through Stanford University (picture) is currently ranked in the top 100 (of more than 166,000 teams) and on our way up.

This dedicated research fund is opening up the doors of opportunity for us to get more directly involved with support for the success of important research like this.

We are deeply involved with support for Stanford Universities vital Folding at Home protein simulation program. This is a ground breaking program that helps unravel the mysteries of proteins.

Your donations open up many doors in this arena as well.

We make many contributions to the SENS and Methuselah Foundations.

Lipofuscin plays a key role in the death caused by aging. This fund raiser has been a smashing success because of your contributions.

-helped them win $5,000 in contest for causes
-Methusalah Foundation 300 member, an ongoing donation program
-yearly grants for the SENS Foundation Academic Initiative
and more

Our first major research collaboration has been an $18,000 grant to Nason Schoolers research with the Laser Ablation of Lipofuscin, in August of 2009. This included an $8,000 matching Imminst grant, with over $10,000 generated in our matching fund raiser.

The overwhelming incoming flood of support from dedicated unlimited lifespan supporters like you is allowing us to continue to move on toward the horizons of bigger and bigger projects.

With your support, our budding science section will become a burgeoning system of discussions, proposals, research journals, and research grants. (inquire for insight on this on-going development) You are the success of critical, life saving Imminst research and development work. We can not do this with out you. On behalf of a rapidly aging world, thank you.

If you have any questions about the Imminst Dedicated Research and Development Fundraiser, you can post them in the community forums, or by email.


Current research in need of funding:

Stay tuned for 2010 updates, coming soon.

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  Immortality Institute
c/o Justin Loew

1022 Stark Street
Wausau, WI 54403

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