Mitochondrial Uncoupling Research

Thanks to everyone who donated, and made this fundraiser a success. You can still donate to the general fund and read about the research below.
Keep an eye out for the new fundraiser, coming soon!
- Read the research proposal- Further information and discussion
Scientific research is the only way to conquer the blight of involuntary death. The community istn't rich, so we pick our priorities quite carefully. The mitochondroial uncoupling project ticks all the important boxes:
- it investigates a crucial mechanism of how and why we age
- it may show the path towards practical interventions in the aging process
- it is small enough that your donation, every cent of which will be matched by ImmInst, *will* make a real difference
- it is led by a reputable scientist who will respond to community questions and update us periodically on the progress of the research
Any donation, of any amount is appreciated. We need at least $6000 to get going, with the matched funding in place that means at least $3000 from donors like you. Any surplus would go into the next scientific research initiative that is already in the pipeline.
How to Donate?
If you would like to donate to the ImmInst science funding drive, just follow these simple steps.
2.) Next select or enter the amount you wish to donate, remember if you are entering an amount, follow the standard 2 decimal place system.

3.) Now select the currency you wish to donate in, then click the donate button.
4.) You'll now see a new page, if you would like to remain anonymous, then check the appropriate box.
The automated payment system is set up to use PAYPAL. If you are unable to use paypal, your donation can also be made by via Google Checkout. |

Please note:Every cent you donate will go directly to this cause. There are no admin costs or hidden charges - BUT we have to pay a fee for payment transfer services like paypal. Therefore, if you are thinking of making a larger donation ($400+), please consider sending it by cheque to
1022 Stark Street
Wausau, WI 54403, USA
Please include a note indicating your user/display name in the forums in the note section of the check, unless you wish to remain anonymous.
Previous news:
In response to the ImmInst Science call 5 expressions of interest were received, 2 were shortlisted and reviewed.
Perhaps surprisingly, there were no completely unsubstantial submissions. The 3 projects that didn't make it further were not a great fit for this scheme, or not developed enough. We hope to be contacting the proposers soon and explore ways in which these ideas could still come to fruition.
Of the two shortlisted projects, one is smaller, more basic-research oriented using nematodes.
The second is larger, more therapy-oriented using mice.
Our current plan is to be bold and try to fund both!
Members referendum:
(members only section)
Expression of interest sought.
Alongside other initiatives, ImmInst aims to fund one or more research projects this year.
Such a project should aim to make an original contribution to the field of life extension science or technology.

- have the capacity to deliver advances to the state of the art, or to establish a proof of concept in a promising area in life extension science or technology
- be basic or applied research but basic research should have potential for applied development
- present short updates for Members with interim data, photos from the facility etc at agreed intervals
- be led or overseen by a person with a postgraduate qualification in the relevant field or by a person with demonstrable equivalent experience
- have clearly defined interim milestones
- have a flexible project structure that can be adjusted according to the amount of money raised
- be small in scale - one or two key workers
- be short in duration - 6 months maximum
- not be confidential. ImmInst will expect open and public presentation and discussion of research results but confidentiality will be accepted where a manuscript is prepared for publication.
ImmInst will be able to support a project with a minimum of $2000 and up to $8000, subject to matching by other donors. ImmInst will launch a call for matching donations and every donation generated in that call will go towards the project budget.
A total budget of ~$10.000 is an achievable target, more for projects that capture the imagination of the life extension community.
Interested parties should send
- a project outline of around 800 words written in lay language, supported by up to 10 literature references
- a curriculum vitae of the project leader
to by May 18th 2010.
discuss in the forums: